Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What's in My Bag?

I absolutely LOVE reading
"what's in my bag" posts,
so I thought that it was about time
for me to do one!
here is what's in my bag!

1. Sunglasses-Urban Outfitters
2. Sunglasses-Old Navy
3. Fossil ID holder (contains my student ID and my house key)
4. Lip Gloss-Victoria's Secret
5. Umbrella-Target
6. Wallet-Urban Outfitters
7. Pen-College Alumni Office (BEST pen ever!)
8. Pen-Sharpie (SECOND BEST pen ever!)
8 (again. because I can't count). Car keys, AE card, Bread Co. Card, 
key chains from Lansing, MI
and Black Mountain, NC
9. Lipstick-Revlon Really Red
10. 5 Gum-React Flavors
11. Ponytail Holder
12. Paper stating I have GRADUATED from the orthodontist! Yay!
(also used for lip blotting)
13. Planner-Sarah Pinto


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