Friday, February 18, 2011

Any Happy Little Thought

I grew up addicted to Disney movies.
I was no doubt influenced by my older sister.
She decided she would have the best chance at being "discovered" if we acted out the entirety of Aladdin in our backyard.
Needless to say, it didn't work.
It did, however, lead me down the path of singing lions, beasts, and Greek heroes
and I never looked back.
I'm still as in love with Disney as I was when I was three.
But now there is a cute, fashionable way to show my Disney pride!
Disney now has a Disney Couture line of jewelry that is 
whimsical, magical, and on my wish list!
I love that the line falls right in to any style with ease!

Disney1Disney 2

Second star to the right and straight on 'til morning!


  1. This post deserves a comment (or five hundred): I LOVE IT! Every bit of it! It's the best way to channel your inner Disney princess as an adult! Perfect :)

    -your loving roommate

  2. Um....I'm still pretty sure I'm going to be discovered by Disney one day, I've just changed my strategy. I now sing A whole new world loudly as I drive through LA with my windows down, sooner or later some Disney exec. is bound to hear me and say "That voice...we MUST have it!"
